Our quilter group meets on Thursday mornings at Calvary from 9:00 am to 11:00 am. All are welcome to join in on the fun!
Thank you Calvary Confirmation!
As a part of Confirmation, students are able to serve local ministries and organizations through planned service nights, and the Calvary quilters are just one of the many ministries that benefit! This year, confirmation students helped tie quilts that will be given to those in need!
Spring 2022 Quilter Update
Throughout the 2021-22 year the Quilters made and donated 180 beautiful quilts! 92 were sent all over the world through Lutheran World Relief, 28 were donated to local charities, 2 were donated to the youth silent auction, and 4 were donated to our preschool classrooms. Twice this year the Quilters hosted a middle school group for confirmation service night and worked with our youth to create quilts.
Keep up the great work, Quilters!
Past Updates:
Calvary Preschool classes visited the Calvary Quilters on February 21, 2019, since one of the letters they were learning was the letter “Q”.
Preschool teacher Miss Amanda read the book, “The Quiltmaker’s Gift” to the students and the quilters, and then each class was able to choose a quilt for their room, as well as 4 doll blankets that had been made by some of the quilters. Miss Amanda’s class prepared and served brunch to the quilting ladies, and her students sat with the quilters and visited as we ate.