Calvary Lutheran Church offers great space for all your facility needs
Fellowship Hall
The Fellowship Hall is centrally located in the church, with easy access to the front doors, side doors, kitchen, library, several classrooms, and can host up to 350 people. The fellowship hall is available to rent for receptions, meetings, retreats, banquets, expos, indoor rummage sales, and other events. Food and beverages are allowed in the Fellowship Hall.
Calvary has several rooms throughout the building with mounted white boards and a few with projectors/screens or large monitors for multimedia. Rooms can hold anywhere from 12 people up to 30 people depending on the room and set-up.
Calvary Gym
5500 Square feet of undivided space, the gym is available to rent for a variety of events; sports, exercise, wellness classes, tournaments, dances, and parties. Food and beverages are not allowed in the gym, please consider renting the fellowship hall or using the outdoor space if you are planning to serve food.
Please contact Garrett at or (751-1893) if you would like more rental information.